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Books in the Own Life Collection are built on a foundation of science from the world’s leading researchers such as Stanford’s Carol Dweck, positive psychology guru Martin Seligman, and the best-selling personal development books of the last 40 years (e.g. Chimp Paradox, Feel the Fear and do it Anyway, 7-Habits of Highly Effective People). 


The friendly writing style, complimented by illustrations from El Davo, and more than 50 powerful self-reflection questions combine into page turning journals. They can be read in any order - just choose where you'd like to start.

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Grow into the best version of yourself.


Do you truly believe in yourself? 

Are you excited about your future?

Would you like to be more confident?


All of this is possible and Own Life with Confidence is your guide to achieving it.

Don’t just learn theory, actually begin to…


  • Accept yourself for who you are today, with all the beautiful flaws, without judgement

  • Clearly see a future enhanced version of yourself that is still authentically you

  • Overcome resistance to change and keep the development journey rolling


“I believe in myself. I know and accept myself for exactly who I am today and feel inspired by how I will grow into the future.” 


This is you, 6 months from now. Get started today. 

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Thrive on the Emotional Rollercoaster of Life


Do you live each day with a positive outlook?

Are you able to bounce back from disappointment?

Do you bravely face into new challenges?


All of this is possible and Own Life with Courage is your guide to achieving it.

Don’t just learn theory, actually begin to…


  • Create a separation between external events and internal emotions

  • Reprogram the filters through which you experience the world

  • Dare to do what you dream by pushing through fear


“My inner world is a positive place even when the outside world has its ups and downs. I’m resilient to setbacks and have found courage to push through fears that used to hold me back.”


This is you, 6 months from now. Get started today. 

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Engineer a Lifestyle that Fulfills Your Dreams


Does your life have meaning and purpose?

Do you make the most of life by using time wisely?

Are you like a charged battery, always full of energy and ready to go?


All of this is possible and Own Life with Purpose is your guide to achieving it.

Don’t just learn theory, actually begin to…


  • Turn dreams, wishes and hopes into goals that feel tinglingly possible

  • Give focus to your most precious priorities as you become a blackbelt time master

  • Feel alive every day with energy habits that boost resilience


"I know where I'm heading in life and am grounded enough to enjoy each passing moment. I dream big, set plans, and make them happen. It's a thrill to be alive"


This is you, 6 months from now. Get started today. 

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Develop Positive Relationships


Do you feel respected by the people around you?

Can you deal with difficult relationships?

Are you comfortable interacting with people?


All of this is possible and Own Life with Trust is your guide to achieving it.

Don’t just learn theory, actually begin to…


  • Reframe your attitude to conflict through an enhanced desire to see new perspectives

  • Respond with calm maturity when triggered by the behaviour of others

  • Unleash the simple magic of listening with wholehearted attention


"From making a good first impression to repairing age-old broken relationships; from deepening my most loving friendships to navigating conflict, I build trust with others"


This is you, 6 months from now. Get started today. 

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