Are you drifting about in the shifting winds of life? It's time to build a keel.

Imagine a flat-bottomed sailboat. When the wind blows the boat moves with it – and when the wind direction changes, so does the boat’s. And when there’s a gust, pop, it capsizes. Along comes the invention of a keel. It runs underwater from front to back and cuts deep into the water. Now the boat moves in the direction it is pointing, (with the power of the wind captured by the sails), and now the boat stays upright whilst the storms blow strong.
A boat’s keel is like your purpose in life. The more deeply connected you are with your sense of purpose the more you are able to move in your chosen direction in life, achieving your dreams. The more deeply connected you are with your sense of purpose, the more upright you are able to stay when the winds of change blow and attempt to knock you off balance.